R.I.C.H Reality I create happens cult. This is more than fashion it is a movement.
None of us chose to be on this planet, yet I refuse to spend another moment in a reality that does not bring me joy, as it does not align with my higher self and keeps me in a low vibrational state. Rich Cult embodies the belief that the reality I create is within my control. I invite you to join this movement as we collectively strive to transform our dreams into tangible outcomes. It is essential to stop nurturing the aspirations of others and instead pursue our own. This brand is designed for those weary of existing in survival mode and constrained by a scarcity mindset. There is no time to wait for tomorrow, a new month, or a new year; the time to act is now, for we cannot predict what the future holds in six years, six months, or even six minutes. Therefore, I will no longer invest my energy into a reality that does not fulfill me.